what to see in egypt - Tourism - Page 6

30 November 2022
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St. Bishoi Monastery

Deir Anba Bishoi in Wadi Natrun, not far from Cairo, is a picture of serenity. It includes a church that houses the body of St. Bishoi, the monastery’s founder, as well as several other saints; his body is still intact in a “tubular” coffin that is carried around the church in a procession every July […]

30 November 2022
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Deir Abu Makar

Deir Abu Makar, also known as “Deir Anba Makarius Al-Akbar”, is the oldest and most remote of the monasteries in Wadi Natrun. The monastery is named after Saint Macarius the Great, an Egyptian monk who lived in a cave and spent his days in prayer. After his death, his brother monks buried him in his […]

30 November 2022
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The church of St. Barbara

The small, historically significant Church of St. Barbara near Abu Serga houses some interesting icons and the relics of the saint herself, who was murdered by her father after trying to convert him to Christianity.Many of the treasures of this ancient church are now in the Coptic Museum, just a two-minute walk away. The church […]

30 November 2022
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Monastery of Deir Al-Kashef

Strategically located at a crossroads of the western desert, the monastery of Al-Kashef rises above the cliffs north of the necropolis of Al-Bagawat, near the oasis of Kharga. From the necropolis, impressive mud-brick ruins and vaulted corridors dating from the early Christian period can be visited on foot or by car. neferirkare,cheops,abusir,mastaba,proteins,archeology,cote d’ivoire,fourth dynasty,the great […]

30 November 2022
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St. Mena Monastery

About 50 km southwest of Alexandria is the small village of Abu-Mina, where the monastery of St. Mena (Mina) is located. Saint Mena is believed to have fallen as a martyr in the early 4th century when the Roman Empire was persecuting Christians. A modern monastery was built on the site of an ancient church […]

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