General Information - Tourism

19 November 2022

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General Information

The official name of Egypt is Arab Republic of Egypt. The country is located in the northeastern part of Africa, although the Sinai Peninsula forms a land bridge to southwest Asia, which is why Egypt is also called the Middle Eastern country. It is therefore a transcontinental country, which helps it to be a major power in Africa, the Middle East, the Mediterranean and the Muslim world. General Information

In Arabic, Egypt is called مصر or Miṣr, and in ancient times the country was known as Kemet or black land, due to the alluvial soils deposited during the annual floods of the Nile River. This annual event provided Egypt with the fertile land that allowed it to expand along the river, especially in the delta, where many different crops were and still are harvested.

Egypt covers an area of about 1,001,450 km2 and is bordered by Israel and the Gaza Strip to the northeast, the Red Sea to the east, Sudan to the south, Libya to the west and the Mediterranean Sea to the north. It is the third most populous country in Africa and the most populous in the Middle East, with the majority of its estimated 98 million people living on or near the banks of the Nile. Only 5.5% of the total land area is actually used by the population, namely the area bordering the Nile River and a few areas. The remaining 94.5 % is an uninhabitable desert.

The Nile flows vertically through the Sahara Desert, and the area to the west is called the Western Desert or Libyan Desert, while the area to the east, which extends to the Red Sea, is called the Eastern Desert. The desert itself is very sparsely populated, with relatively small population centers clustered around oases such as Fayoum, Siwa, Bahariya, Farafra, Dakhla, and Kharga in the west, while all inhabited areas are confined to the many wadis (or valleys) in the east.

The Libyan Desert hosts a vast sandy area known as the Great Sand Sea, and within this area are several depressions that fall below sea level. These include the Qattara Depression, which covers an area of about 18,000 km2 and reaches a depth of about 133 m below sea level: the lowest point in Africa.
Most of the Eastern Desert lies on a plateau that gradually rises from the Nile Valley, reaching a height of about 600 m in the east. Along the Red Sea coast there are many rugged peaks up to 2,100 m above sea level. The Nubian Desert is located in the extreme south of the Eastern Desert, along the border with Sudan, and is an extensive area of dunes and sandy plains.

The Sinai Peninsula consists mainly of sandy desert to the north and rugged mountains to the south; peaks here rise more than 2,100 meters above the Red Sea. Mount Katherina, or Gebel Katherina, is Egypt’s highest point at 2,629 meters, easily eclipsing nearby Mount Sinai, or Moses Mountain (Gabal Musa), at 2,285 meters. According to Islamic, Christian and Jewish beliefs, the biblical Mount Sinai was the place where Moses received the Ten Commandments, although not everyone believes that this mountain is actually the biblical mountain.

Today, the Nile is considered the longest river in the world. It enters Egypt from Sudan and flows north for about 1,545 km until it flows into the Mediterranean Sea. From the Sudanese border to Cairo, the Nile flows through a narrow, rock-lined valley that is little more than 3 km wide south of Edfu. From Edfu to Cairo it is about 23 km wide, with most of the farmland on the western side. Immediately north of Cairo, the valley merges into the delta before the Nile flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

The delta is a triangular plain that borders the Mediterranean coast for about 250 km. The many tributaries of the Nile have deposited mud here ( Rosetta knewn or the city of Rashid] and Damietta or Dumyat and others), which has made the delta the most fertile area in Egypt. However, the Aswan High Dam choked the flow of the Nile and put an end to the annual floods, causing the salty waters of the Mediterranean to erode most of the land along the coast. Today, a series of four shallow, saline lakes stretches along the seaward end of the delta.

Lake Nasser, the largest man-made reservoir in the world, was created in 1970 by the construction of the Aswan High Dam. It is about 480 km long and 16 km wide at its widest point. Almost two-thirds of the lake lies in Egypt, and it extends south across the Sudanese border.

From ancient to modern times, the Nile Valley was divided into two separate regions: Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt. Lower Egypt, where the pharaohs
wore the red crown, is the area of the Delta, while Upper Egypt, where the pharaohs wore the white crown, is the entire valley south of the Kai

كايرو ، كارول جي القاهرة ، كايرو ليترا ، القاهرة مصر ، كايرو كارول جي ، القاهرة 4K ، كلمات كارول جي القاهرة ، كارول جي كايرو ليترا ، كايرو كارول ليترا ، كلمات القاهرة ، كايرو ليترا كارول جي ، كلمات كارول جي كايرو ، مدونة فيديو القاهرة ، كايرو كارول ، كارول القاهرة ، أفضل ما في القاهرة ، كارول جي ليترا كايرو ، كلمات كارول جي القاهرة ، كايرو تور ، القاهرة 2022 ، دليل سفر القاهرة ، ليترا القاهرة ، مصر القاهرة ، القاهرة كلمات كارول جي ، أشياء يمكن ممارستها في القاهرة ، القاهرة ، القاهرة سيتى ووك، ليترا كايرو كارول ج

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