Deir Abu Makar, also known as “Deir Anba Makarius Al-Akbar”, is the oldest and most remote of the monasteries in Wadi Natrun. The monastery is named after Saint Macarius the Great, an Egyptian monk who lived in a cave and spent his days in prayer. After his death, his brother monks buried him in his cave and built a monastery around it. His relics lie there to this day. Later, an imposing defensive wall was built around this fortress/monastery to protect it from Bedouin attacks. Numerous Coptic patriarchs were chosen from this monastery, all of whom were buried there. Their solemn epitaphs and the beautiful icons of Deir Anba Makarius are a must-see during any visit to Wadi Natrun. Modest dress is expected. Wadi Natrun is located 100 km northwest of Cairo in the western desert. The only way to get there is by car or bus. West Delta Buses depart hourly from Heliopolis
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