Al-Ghouri complex in Cairo - Tourism

3 December 2022

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Sultan Qansuh Al-Ghouri was a Mamluk sultan who ruled from 1501 to 1516 before dying in a battle against the Ottomans in Aleppo that resulted in the complete defeat of the Mamluks, causing them to lose their importance in 1503, Al-Ghouri spent a fortune building his complex in Cairo.

Although he was known for his cruelty and despotism, he was also known for his love of flowers, music, poetry, and architecture. His cultural sophistication can be seen in the various features of the complex. The structure stands on both sides of Al-Mo’ez Street; the mosque and madrasa are on the western side, while you will find the khanqah, mausoleum and sabil-kuttab on the eastern side of the famous street.

However, the mausoleum is not the final resting place of the Sultan, whose body was never recovered after the Battle of Aleppo. The two parts of the complex are not aligned with the street line, creating a free-form courtyard between the two buildings. The minaret of the mosque has four floors, just like the original minaret of the Aqsunqur Mosque (the Blue Mosque).

These are the only two minarets in Cairo that have four floors instead of the usual three. Since 1995, the complex’s Khanqah Hall has hosted various cultural events, most notably Nubian music concerts, tannoura dance performances, and religious lectures.

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